House visits
Programme of Group visits to properties
The Group aims to visit and record two buildings each month during the summer season from April to October. Normally visits are on a Saturday or Sunday, one building in the morning and one in the afternoon. Members bring a packed lunch.
Most buildings are houses, but occasionally may be barns or other, usually farming-related, buildings.
We depend entirely on the kind co-operation of owners and occupiers to allow us to spend (typically) two to three hours at the property.
We are always interested in potential houses for visits as they may be close to another that we have on the list but cannot find a suitable local second property to make a pair.
We are always happy to liaise with householders to assemble our forward programme of visits and in some circumstances can occasionally provide ad hoc visits outside the programme, if for example construction works have uncovered timbering or other original features to record before they are covered up again. On many occasions this has revised/confirmed the previous interpretation of the chronology of the historic structure of a house.