How to join
We welcome new Members
Please use our Contact Us form. We keep our annual subscription very low - only £10 per annum in 2021. Use Contact Us to tell us a little about yourself. You are welcome to attend our autumn-winter-spring meetings as a non-member guest, but if you want to join one of our summer programme of visits to houses in the Weald you must apply for membership.
Why join us?
Member Tony Singleton, left, and house owner Philip Cox discover proof of a 'Wealden' house. Behind them is a rare solid brace between the baypost and tie beam, a showy feature of the open hall. (Parish of Little Chart, Kent).Do you want to get involved in research into traditional buildings? Or perhaps you are already. Such work may range from the recording of individual houses, to studies of complete parishes and their related documents as part of landscape studies.
- Our members include amateurs and professionals - archaeologists, historians, architects, surveyors, engineers, and geographers. Some of us have no formal qualification.
- If you have little or no experience but would like to read some of the standard literature, and have a commitment to learn more, we would still be glad to hear from you.
Our 50 members are mainly from Sussex and Surrey, and a few from Kent and Hampshire. More about the Group.
Every new member helps to enlarge upon our ever-increasing joint knowledge and understanding of the very complex subject of vernacular architecture in the Weald.
Use our Contact Us form to apply for membership.