BARD database
The Building Archaeology Research Database
BARD is a database that allows the sharing of our knowledge and its systematic examination. It was started by the Surrey Domestic Buildings Research Group (DBRG), and in 2012 the Wealden Buildings Study Group began to contribute to the database by adding the properties we have recorded that are within the South Downs National Park.
BARD aims to:
Further develop the age estimation of timber-framed buildings.
Provide a recording method for the key features of such buildings.
Provide charting methods that are a useful tool for researching the development of timber framing, century by century, as well as regional differences.
Using BARD
The majority of all the previously recorded SDNP properties are now live on BARD, and anyone can search the whole database. Search BARD.
South Downs National Park, SDNP January 2016.
Volunteers needed
We need more helpers to abstract information from our existing records and fill in the paper forms ('tick-box' forms) for each property that will later be entered into BARD. To assist, contact John Crane.
Volunteers should use the BARD tick-box form (PDF) downloadable from the BARD login page, and should also use the excellent BARD illustrated glossary (PDF).